Specialist Garden Co.
                                                             Tel: 07919955183



Lawns & Plants

We are passionate about the whole garden - unless the structure and the plants work together, it will never look complete.  

We match with perfection plant shape, type and colour according to your request.  If you are uncertain, we will guide you through the process.  The result is a garden you want, with the expertise of the Special Garden Co.’s professionals to ensure every success. 

Nothing speaks more than an extraordinary lawn If the area is used well, we use the correct seed blend to ensure it is hardwearing.  If purely ornamental, a finer plush mix to give an exquisite finish. All of this SGC tailor to your needs. 

For larger gardens, beautiful meadow mixes with a cornucopia of wild flowers may be appropriate a wildlife haven attracting all manner of butterflies and bees. 

Matchless in it’s longevity, artificial turf can bring new life into smaller spaces.  With no deterioration, it is the idea choice of the town garden where insufficient space prohibits a natural lawn. It will be the focal point of attention because it is so perfectly like a freshly cut lawn !